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State of Tennessee COVID-19 Vaccine Study

Vaccines were finally available in significant quantities in the state of Tennessee. The challenge was to catapult people into action – into getting the vaccine.


Vaccines were finally available in significant quantities in the state of Tennessee. The challenge was to catapult people into action – into getting the vaccine. But for a significant part of the population, no action was being taken. Appointment time slots remained empty, or people were simply not showing up for their appointment.

We had to find out quickly why and what words sparked an appropriate response in order to get people over the fence. Words that would be heard and not ignored. Words and visuals that would serve as the keystone for an effective communication initiative. 


Learn from those we wanted to speak with. Those who required the information. They could tell us better than anyone what they needed to hear.

Designsensory and Designsensory Intelligence designed and executed a robust and very timely intelligence gathering research study.

We only wanted to talk with people who had any degree of hesitancy in getting a COVID vaccine.

A combined qualitative/quantitative study was executed. It took only four weeks – from approval to presentation of the findings. 

The qualitative phase employed an only focus session with 96 residents from all across the state. The platform used was from REMESH which utilizes artificial intelligence to drill down responses in order to quickly understand the key sentiments and the reasons behind the sentiments. These learnings drove the development of the quantitative phase.

The quantitative phase consisted of an online survey with more than 1,000 residents with a balanced configuration in terms of age, gender, political leaning, education, income, and urbanicity. All of the participants held some degree of hesitancy in relation to ta COVID vaccine. (we did not have anyone participate who had already received one shot or were waiting for their appointment)


The findings are driving the messaging platform. Many of the respondents shared they simply needed more information in order to make an informed decision. That information had to come from a trusted source. And they told us who that should be. 

Additionally, we were able to define subtle nuances between various demographic segments of the population which is driving very targeted messaging and media placement.

No shooting from the hip or poorly informed strategy would do. The learnings were momentous in informing the creative process for highly effective results.

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